Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why Books are better than Kindle

I have always liked to have some sort of physical representation of my belongings be it a bookshelf full of books or a notebook full of my thoughts. I can pay a tiny price for a quality book and it will most likely last longer than me.

On the other hand I could pay a high price for an eBook reader such as the Kindle. If I went this way I would have to buy my eBooks from restricted dealers at the prices they set.

In almost every city there are used book stores where you can resell, trade or buy books from, and in the process support local business. An eBook reader is usually sold by a massive company such as Amazon. Amazon isn't bad, but the Kindle is.

An eBook bought for the kindle isn't yours. You are essentially being given the permission to have this book on your device at the same expense as owning the actual thing.

This chart from Gawker sums up the story:

As you can see; the kindle is expensive, limited, un-editable, silly and a pain to deal with in foreign countries.

Another very important thing to point out is just how ugly the Kindle is. It is a big ugly white brick with a boring screen made of eInk. In fact the whole thing is so over-rated that you can buy a computer with much more ability as a much lower price.

Financially it would be irresponsible to buy a Kindle, unless you really want one.

People will say it is important to brace the future, but I know nothing will ever replace a real, solid, physical book for a long time.

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