Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is Nintendo all Gimmicks Now?

I previously was an avid Nintendo fan. I thought the Wii had it going and would be the most innovative console in the history of gaming. I was wrong. Not only were there very few good (story, action, non-linear) games for it at first, but after a year nothing had improved.

In my mind I was disappointed, but I wasn't going to let that ruin my gaming experience. After around year and a half I started to pay attention to my friends with Xbox 360's. They were talking about the games they played together and all the fun they were having. Meanwhile I had played out everything on the Wii that I was interested in. The Wii hadn't been used. There were only a few titles that could compare in quality with the titles available on the Xbox 360 and PS3.

My Wii slowly became a dust collector and eventually was placed in the box pictured above. I intended to keep it there until something interested me. I have since decided to sell it.

Here is why I left the Wii:

  • All the new games are what seems to me like Wii Sports Rehashes.
  • A new gimmick comes out every month it seems.
  • There is nothing you can do with these add-ons that you can't do without.
  • The Wii is overpriced (it costs more than a system with four times the power).
  • Online just isn't fun on the Wii.
  • There are too many Wii Fanboys blind to the slow destruction of their favourite brand.
  • All the good games are Mario, Zelda and Metroid.
  • Everyone knows all of this, but some won't admit it.
Below is a picture of 18 different Wii Gimmicky controller add-ons:

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